The first thing I noticed this morning on my arrival was the autumn call of the CHIFFCHAFF, there were at least 3 around the car park and probably a total of at least 10 were heard or seen during my visit. I didn't find the young GARDEN WARBLER today but an adult was in the same area, as I watched this a butterfly came into view, another Purple Hairstreak!
Purple Hairstreak |
I moved on and scanned across the newly planted orchard and picked out 7 hirundines high up heading my way, when they got closer, they were 4 HOUSE MARTINS and 3
SAND MARTINS (101). A GOLDCREST called in the hedge at the top of the car park. Stephen joined me for a good part of the rest of the walk, we didn't see loads of stuff but some young SPOTTED FLYCATCHERS were keeping out of sight near the moat and 8or 9 HERRING GULLS flew north east. In the hedges a male BLACKCAP was in song and a single 'tack' and a brief view of a warbler turned out to be another SEDGE WARBLER, Stephen also had one yesterday, it could be the same juvenile here for the last 3 days always tricky to tell at this time of year. A TURTLE DOVE was purring in the bridleway with the tall trees in and a couple of KESTRELS were seen this morning one attracting the close attention of a persistent crow for several minutes.
The story of my bird photography recently!! |
One stayed still Hoorah! |
Well done on adding the Sand Martins to the year list Alan :-)
Hi Warren, Thanks, these are nearly always late summer early autumn additions.
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