Before I get into the birds etc.. bit, an old friend asked me if I would do them a drawing/painting of a bird for her Aunt, I haven't done any sort of artwork for about 20 years so was slightly nervous. I didn't know what bird she wanted as we spoke and I thought maybe a stooping Hobby would be nice or something colourful like a Kingfisher. It soon transpired that the subject was colourful, actually going to be a Budgie!!! So a Budgie it was, rightly or wrongly the result is below, as you can see I'm no expert but actually enjoyed picking up a paint brush again especially as it wasn't one for decorating anyway!
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My dodgy attempt at Painting!! |
So the I haven't been out much in the last few days but a couple of visits have produced a little bit of movement, firstly on Sunday morning I was sitting in my Dads sitting room in Sissinghurst and a MARSH HARRIER flew over the village heading west, later a SWIFT went through with a small flock of SWALLOWS. Monday the patch walk started with 2 flyover
TREE PIPIT (99), a good start as I had already seen a HOBBY flying south before I left Dads house. Once again though the lack of Chiffchaffs, Blackcaps and the like was striking, there was very little noise. Stephen was out as well and after a chat I headed to the veg garden where there were 3 CHIFFCHAFF and a WILLOW WARBLER, then Stephen called to say he had just seen a WRYNECK!! after a bit of searching we couldn't relocate the bird, which was very reminiscent of the bird I had in 2004 that just disappeared after it flew into a Silver Birch. There was a SEDGE WARBLER further on and 5 COMMON WHITETHROATS still around, a KINGFISHER called and a LITTLE OWL flew up from the rough grass as I approached it. The morning session finished, I came back later for a walk with Bec, there were more butterflies about and I counted 6 CLOUDED YELLOWS, by far the best year here as in many places this year. 3-5 BUZZARDS were seen and 2 YELLOW WAGTAILS flew from the hedge as I looked again for the Wryneck.
Another hedgerow Sedge Warbler |
Clouded Yellow |
Common Buzzard |
Back in our little garden the Buddleia was full of butterflies, no less than 31 SMALL TORTOISESHELLS, incredible especially as just a handful of years ago I went a whole year without finding one!! There were 2 PAINTED LADIES, 1 RED ADMIRAL and 3 PEACOCKS, the highlight though was my first garden PURPLE HAIRSTREAK which landed on the small sycamore briefly.
Full of Butterflies! Small Tortoiseshells and a Peacock |
This morning another look for the Wryneck proved fruitless but a SEDGE WARBLER was again in the hedges and 2 more TREE PIPITS flew south then circled round round and looked to land. I could also hear some HOUSE MARTINS in the mist, the first for a while.