Visits again have been sparse but here is a quick run down. Away from the birds I saw a Mink on the top lake, unfortunately! a Fox was distant but well out in the open and looking extremely fine and today I found my first Newt of the year, I'm afraid I'm not great at identifying newts but I can't help looking for them as I go passed any of the ponds round the patch.
The birds have been, as expected, not too diverse but 3-5 GREAT SPOTTED WOODPECKER drummed yesterday morning which was nice and at least 3 GREEN WOODPECKER called. SKYLARKS are in full song and always a pleasure to hear and the YELLOWHAMMER and CHAFFINCH flock is still around and has still got good numbers, maybe 50-70 birds total. The hedges held 2 groups of BULLFINCH one group had 3 birds and the other 4. FIELDFARE and REDWING are gathering in mixed flocks of 150-200 birds at times or at other times spread themselves thinly over the array of fields. 10 SISKIN flew over the wood yesterday which was probably the highlight of yesterdays walk.
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This morning as I got out of the car a
GREY WAGTAIL (65) flew over, it took me until autumn to see one last year. Today was the day I tried out my new approach, which I will do sporadically throughout the year, I expect to get some funny looks!! Well more than usual anyway. I have bought myself a one an hide!! that folds up and can be carried like a rucksack. Today was it's first outing, so I headed to the stream to look for a likely spot for a Kingfisher to pose!! 2 hrs later and losing the feeling in my feet I gave up after seeing a BLACKBIRD, WREN and a ROBIN. I could hear lots but with a limited view struggled to see anything. Despite the failure of getting any photos at all I will try again and give it more time, who knows?
Luckily later I went for a walk with Bec and did see a few more birds which included 150-200 BLACK HEADED GULLS with a few COMMON GULLS for company, the highlight was 2 PEREGRINE together over the fields, we also had a displaying COMMON BUZZARD, plus 1 KESTREL and 1 SPARROWHAWK.