Visits to the castle have been few and far between as you can probably guess through the lack of posts. I certainly have been missing reading everyone's blogs, although have managed a few short forays on to the computer. June passed with the finish of the Nightjar and Woodcock survey in Bedgebury which was very enjoyable. Since then things have been pretty rubbish really for various reasons but I have been getting out and about here and there.
Sissinghurst has produced 2 Whimbrel seen by Dad early in July a pair of SISKIN were in the wood on July 10th and another unseasonal sighting here was a COMMON SNIPE on the 21st. More regular birds still include good numbers of YELLOWHAMMERS and SKYLARKS also GREEN WOODPECKERS look to have had a good breeding season.
Moths in recent days have picked up in number with the weather, a DEWICK'S PLUSIA (2nd site record) was a surprise for Steve on Friday 20th July and a PYGMY FOOTMAN was new for the site on the night of the 22nd followed by another one on the night of the 24th!
Woodcock |
Sunrise at Sissinghurst |
Beautiful Golden Y found in June |
Kestrel |
Here are a couple pics from a couple of days in Suffolk
Skylark - Dingle Marshes |
Red Deer - Dunwich Heath |