I didn't know where to go today but definitely felt like heading 'off patch'. I started at Oare Marshes where the tide was coming in, a few BLACK TAILED GODWITS were feeding near the road and there were good
Black Tailed Godwit |
numbers of ducks mainly PINTAIL, SHOVELER, TEAL, a few WIGEON and TUFTED DUCK where also around. In the car park I heard a CETTI'S WARBLER, the only one today. I decided to walk to Dan's Dock a place I'd heard of but didn't know exactly where it was. Luckily I met a chap who knew the area and he pointed me in the right direction, small world syndrome set in, when amazingly he used to be the local village bobby in Sissinghurst just before I moved to the village. 40 years ago!
From the seawall a look across to Sheppey and Mocketts Hill in particular, produced 2 COMMON BUZZARDS and the ROUGH LEGGED BUZZARD, which is where it stayed for most of the morning. The walk along to Dan's Dock was very pleasant with the odd LITTLE EGRET and many waders commuting up and down the Swale. The highlights here were, HEN HARRIER (1 ring tail) and GREAT NORTHERN DIVER also a PEREGRINE was just across the Swale.
Reed Bunting, female. |
Curlew |
Back on the flood a few waders had come to roost, mainly DUNLIN, GOLDEN PLOVER, BLACK TAILED GODWIT and REDSHANK, there were also a few RINGED PLOVER, GREY PLOVER and 3 AVOCET.
After Oare, my next stop was the beach at Leysdown to watch the waders feeding as the tide receded, I added KNOT, SANDERLING and TURNSTONE to the day list.I then drove to Shellness, 8 CORN BUNTING were in the bushes by the car park, I started walking along the seawall, then had a sudden change of heart and thought I would go the raptor viewpoint and watch from there for an hour or so before going home.
Oystercatcher |
Sanderling, Knot and Turnstone |
Knot |
On the way I came across a would be 'footballing' SHORT EARED OWL as it inspected the pitch!!
I stopped again at Capel Corner where over 100 WHITE FRONTED GEESE were grazing, the most I've seen in Kent for sometime. At the raptor viewpoint I picked out another Short Eared Owl and 2 ring tail, HEN HARRIERS. Only a couple of MARSH HARRIERS were seen all day, which was surprising. 63 species for the day didn't seem too bad considering I was wandering fairly aimlessly as usual!!
Mainly it was checking the goal area!! |