With the mornings getting darker, getting any bird pics has been tricky this week, which is a shame as 2 birds that have eluded the camera so far, actually posed long enough to get shots but in the poor light stay off the blog so far!
The temperature looked good for the night of the 15th so the the moth traps went on, it turned out to be windy and rainy so I was pleased to get 54 moths of 15 species. There was nothing new for the year, 12 CHESTNUTS were the most numerous and 1 DARK CHESTNUT probably the pick of what was on offer.
A short walk after recording the moths did produce 2 BRAMBLING which had landed in the tree next to the Head Gardeners cottage but poor light kept these off the camera. Elsewhere several REDWING, REDPOLL and SISKINS flew over and a CHIFFCHAFF called in the car park.
I do love early morning |
I didn't get back out until the 19th when a KINGFISHER sat still for at least 30 seconds to a minute while I again missed an opportunity but as with the Brambling, I enjoyed the sighting, again a CHIFFCHAFF called.
Moths were the highlight again on the morning of the 20th, with 3 new for the year. MERVEILLE DU JOUR waded in with 3 individuals a particular favourite with it's somehow minty appearance, next was a VAPOURER, the caterpillar of which will bring you out in a rash if it touches the skin, I can tell you from experience! Lastly a GREY SHOULDER-KNOT was new too. There was a migrant SILVER Y as well as 9 GREEN BRINDLED CRESCENTS. Totals were 41 moths of 19 species.
Merveille Du Jour |
Merveille Du Jour |
The Vapourer |
The Vapourer |
Grey Shoulder Knot |
Another quick walk looking for some of our avian friends had the following highlights - REDWING 15, LINNET 4, REDPOLL 2, SISKIN 1, REED BUNTING 3, YELLOWHAMMER 10, SKYLARK 30+, LITTLE OWL 2, COMMON BUZZARD 1 and a single FIELDFARE which flew east calling.