Yesterday (23rd) I picked up Stephen at 7.15am, the wind was raw and we weren't sure how long we'd last around the Dungeness peninsular. Our first stop was to look for Snow Bunting. We found a sheltered spot to watch the beach, there were good numbers of waders that included SANDERLING, DUNLIN, KNOT, CURLEW, OYSTERCATCHER, REDSHANK and 1 BAR TAILED GODWIT.
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Sanderling |
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Stephen spotted this Curlew with a whie underwing in among the numerous Curlews?? |
We were joined by Andy A. and eventually a small bird whizzed by in the wind, it was quickly located and we enjoyed close views of a female SNOW BUNTING.
Snow Bunting |
Snow Bunting |
Next stop was the sea, from the fishing boats good numbers of Auks and Divers were moving, they were joined by a few GANNET, a FULMAR and lots of KITTIWAKES. On the beach the GLAUCOUS GULL was seen briefly roosting on the beach.
Kittiwake |
The reserve was quietish but at Dungeness this meant about 10 SMEW, BITTERN, WATER RAIL and GREAT WHITE EGRET were seen, not too mention MARSH HARRIERS and GOLDENEYES. Dengemarsh and Scotney produced nothing new but a drive across the border into Sussex and Pett Level did. A nice flock of geese not far from the road held 4 PINK FOOTED GEESE, 6 WHITE FRONTS and 10 or so BRENT GEESE, also the number of CURLEW was very impressive and 2 BLACK TAILED GOWIT were seen. A drive back touched on the Rother Valley and a small flooded area, this had a good numbers of dabbling duck, TEAL, GADWALL, SHOVELER a couple of WIGEON and a PINTAIL. After dropping Stephen home I popped into Sissinghurst, the patch was quiet but the flock of Buntings and Finches included 40 YELLOWHAMMER, 30 CHAFFINCH, 3 REED BUNTING and a BRAMBLING. The only other action of note were 1 COMMON BUZZARD, 1 SPARROWHAWK, 45 SKYLARKS that put in a brief appearance before I headed home at around 5pm.