The past week has brought a couple of new birds for the year with
TURTLE DOVE (91) finally showing up on the 24th. The following day 2
REED WARBLERS (92) sung from different hedgerows as I ambled round. Other birds this week have included more sightings of KINGFISHER, a build up in numbers of SPOTTED FLYCATCHERS now upto 5 or 6 birds and Steve had a HOBBY over at 5am yesterday (29th) morning. One of the features of this week has been finding another two Woodpecker nests I've now found 4 nests, 2 each of Green and Great Spotted no luck with a Lesser Spot yet.
This Wren fed it's young constantly as I recorded the moths early one morning |
Sorry, can't get enough of Yellowhammers! |
Insects have certainly come to the fore this week with hotter weather the number of moth species has started rise with around 50 species being found on mornings when we have been recording, highlights include LIME HAWK MOTH, MULLEIN, PUSS MOTH and SCALLOPED HOOK-TIP among many.
Pale Prominent (left) and Scalloped Hook-tip |
Poplar Kitten |
Bloodvein |
I've also enjoyed seeing more Butterflies and Dragonflies, DOWNY EMERALD has been in good numbers around the edge of the main lakes a BROAD BODIED CHASER and HAIRY DRAGONFLY were in the wood while the small pond held good numbers of LARGE RED, BLUE TAILED and AZURE DAMSELFLIES battling for airspace.
Large Red Damselflies |
Butterflies and Flowers provided most excitement as a visit to east Kent gave me two new species of Butterfly and 3 new Orchids, I was sort thinking of going on Saturday but laid in! and then when I woke up Sunday the planned visit to the local patch was shelved, as the morning was so stunning! Arriving in east Kent LADY ORCHIDS were in full bloom as were what I think were MAN ORCHID (not Man Orchid, Common Twayblade, thanks Greenie) also just one lone GREATER BUTTERFLY ORCHID was in flower with others budding in the area.
Lady Orchid |
Man Orchid, I think. actually Common Twayblade! thanks Greenie :-) |
The first new species of Butterfly here was DINGY SKIPPER (re- Marianne), although in this post originally I said Grizzled Skipper as I had mis-ID'd it!!, the star though was DUKE OF BURGUNDY FRITILLARY about 6 were spread over two locations, lovely little flutters, much smaller than I imagined. A GREEN HAIRSTREAK was also a nice addition to the day.
Duke of Burgundy |
Duke of Burgundy |
Thanks to Marianne this is Dingy Skipper not Grizzled as I thought!! |
Lastly a visit to Bedgebury with Martin, Chris and Gavin on Monday evening was really enjoyable with WOODCOCKS roding, NIGHTJAR churring a couple of TAWNY OWLS, SPOTTED FLYCATCHER, MANDARIN and an accompaniment of WILLOW WARBLERS. A memorable last few days indeed :-)
A view of Sissinghurst Castle |